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古有行道人,陌上見三叟。 年各百餘歲,相與鋤禾莠。 住車問三叟:「何以得此壽?」 上叟前致辭,內中嫗貌醜; 中叟前致辭,量鼓節所受; 下叟前致辭,夜臥不覆肘。 要哉三叟言,所以能長久。



昔有行道人,陌上見三叟;年各百餘歲,相與鋤禾莠。 駐車問三叟,何以得此壽?上叟前置詞,量腹節所受。 中叟前置詞,室內嫗粗醜。下叟前置詞,暮臥不覆首。 要哉三叟言,所以能長久。



從前,有一個人走在路上,看見田野裡有三個長壽的老人。 他們的年紀都已經一百多歲了。 他們互相在一起鋤地裡的雜草。 我停下車來,問這三位老人,你們是怎麼做到這麼長壽的? 第一個老人上前回答:“我衡量自己的食量,節制不要吃太多的東西。” 第二老人上前答道,我家老太婆又粗俗又醜陋。 (節制性慾) 第三老人上前答道:“我晚上不蒙頭睡覺。” 這很重要啊。 這三位老人所說的,就是人類能夠長壽的秘訣。

English Translation


Once upon a time, a man walking on the road saw three old men in the fields; they were all over a hundred years old. Together they hoe the weeds in the fields. I stopped the car and asked these three old men, how did you achieve such a long life? The first old man stepped forward and replied, "I measure my food intake and try not to eat too much." The second old man came forward and replied, the old woman in my house is vulgar and ugly. (controlling sexual desire) The third old man came forward and replied, I sleep without covering my head at night. It's very important. What these three old men said is the secret to human beings being able to live for a long time.